Purchase a PRO Aggregate Store Credit Card and save money! Instead of paying additional fees and interest to credit card companies you can receive discounts on the products and services you need, while supporting small business and your local community.
Here's How It Works
Using cash or check you can purchase the SCC- Store Credit Card, for any amount you like. We will offer a discount for every $100 increment purchased. EXAMPLE: Purchase a $100 SCC and receive $110 in credit. Purchase a $500 SCC and receive $550 in credit. You can even mail in your check to PRO Aggregate SCC - 3668 Hicks Lane Chico CA 95973. We will get you set up within 2 business days of receiving your check.
Using our PRO Aggregate SCC you can call in and order, **shop online, or send your approved landscape worker in to pick up materials. At the end of each year you will receive an added BONUS added to your SCC based on the overall purchases made during the year.
Building Community, Trust and Prosperity at the local level.
* some purchases may require waiting for check to clear before setting up the SCC account.
** Online Orders will use the Quote Me options and once order is approved the balance on the SCC will be used toward the purchase.